
class Contact(    session: Session,     id: String,     userData: UserData = UserData(JSONObject())) : Emitter

Creates a new contact


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fun Contact(    session: Session,     id: String,     userData: UserData = UserData(JSONObject()))


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object Companion
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data class DataMessage(val content: String)

Data message

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data class Message(    val content: String,     val uuid: Int,     val time: Date = Date())

Instant message


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open fun emit(event: String, vararg args: Any): Emitter

Executes each of listeners with the given args.

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fun getGroups(): Set<String>

Returns groups

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fun getId(): String

Returns contact's user id

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fun getPhotoUrl(): String?

Returns contact's photo url

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fun getUserData(): UserData

Returns contact's user data

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fun getUsername(): String

Returns contact's username

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open fun hasListeners(event: String): Boolean

Check if this emitter has listeners for the specified event.

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fun inGroup(group: String): Boolean

Checks whether the contact is known to be inside a group

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fun isOnline(): Boolean

Checks whether the contact is online or not NOTE : A contact will be shown online only if it is currently in a group subscribed by the user

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open fun listeners(event: String): MutableList<Emitter.Listener>

Returns a list of listeners for the specified event.

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open fun off(): Emitter

Removes all registered listeners.

open fun off(event: String): Emitter

Removes all listeners of the specified event.

open fun off(event: String, fn: Emitter.Listener): Emitter

Removes the listener.

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open fun on(event: String, fn: Emitter.Listener): Emitter

Listens on the event.

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open fun once(event: String, fn: Emitter.Listener): Emitter

Adds a one time listener for the event.

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fun sendData(data: String): Promise

Sends data message to contact, prefer the use of Contact.sendFile() in case of large data objects

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fun sendFile(fileInfo: Session.FileInfo, data: ByteArray): SentInvitation

Invites the contact to a file transfer and sends the data once the contact accepts

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fun sendMessage(message: String): Promise

Sends string message to contact

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open override fun toString(): String