Package com.apizee.apiRTC


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open class BaseFileEmitter(    invitation: BaseSentInvitation,     conversationCall: ConversationCall,     dataChannel: DataChannel)
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open class BaseSentInvitation(    val session: Session,     var id: String,     fileInfo: Session.FileInfo,     val data: ByteArray) : Invitation
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class Contact(    session: Session,     id: String,     userData: UserData = UserData(JSONObject())) : Emitter

Creates a new contact

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class Conversation(session: Session, name: String) : Emitter

Users are able to interact with each other by entering a conversation in a N-N fashion. The client is able to listen to conversation events that will be fired once the conversation is joined

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class ConversationCall(    factory: PeerConnectionFactory?,     name: String,     session: Session,     conversation: Conversation?,     type: ConversationCall.Type,     callId: String = Random.nextLong(1000000, 9000000000000000).toString())

Represents a call within the context of a conversation/conference.

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open class Emitter
The event emitter which is ported from the JavaScript module.
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open class FileEmitter(    invitation: SentInvitation,     conversationCall: ConversationCall,     dataChannel: DataChannel) : BaseFileEmitter
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class FileReceiver(invitation: ReceivedFileTransferInvitation, uuid: String)
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open class Invitation(val session: Session, var id: String = Utils.randomString(22)) : Emitter
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class Promise
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class ReceivedFileTransferInvitation(    val session: Session,     sender: Contact,     var id: String,     fileInfo: Session.FileInfo) : ReceivedInvitation
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open class ReceivedInvitation(    val session: Session,     sender: Contact,     var id: String) : Invitation
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open class SentInvitation(    val session: Session,     destination: Contact,     var id: String,     fileInfo: Session.FileInfo,     val data: ByteArray) : BaseSentInvitation
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class Session(    userAgent: UserAgent,     options: UserAgent.RegisterInformation,     ccs: String,     apiKey: String?,     val context: Context,     apiRTCVersionName: String) : Emitter

Session represent the connected environment of an UA. It's created after UA registration.

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class Stream(    userAgent: UserAgent,     createStreamOptions: UserAgent.CreateStreamOptions?,     remoteMediaStream: MediaStream? = null)

A stream.

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class UserAgent(val context: Context, options: UserAgent.UserAgentOptions)

The UserAgent serves as the base to use apiRTC. A user agent can be authenticated or not. For an Apizee cloud user, the uri is prefixed with 'apizee:'. He can be anonymous if it's a client of an Apizee enterprise and use prefix apzkey: as uri. Once registered, its Session object can be used to communicate with other contacts using the platform on the same API key and CCS server

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class UserData(data: JSONObject)

The user data is used to define information specific to a contact. For example, information of contact environment, his webrtc capabilities or his profile information.


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const val debug: Boolean = false