
class Conversation(session: Session, name: String) : Emitter

Users are able to interact with each other by entering a conversation in a N-N fashion. The client is able to listen to conversation events that will be fired once the conversation is joined


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fun Conversation(session: Session, name: String)


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object Companion
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data class EventStreamHangup(    val from: String,     val reason: String,     val streamId: String)
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data class Message(    val sender: Contact,     val content: String,     val time: Date = Date())

Group chat message

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data class StreamInfo(    var listEventType: String,     val isRemote: Boolean,     val streamId: String,     val callId: String,     val type: String = "regular",     val name: String,     val callType: String,     val roomId: String,     val callerId: String)


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fun cancelPushData(id: String)

Cancels an ongoing push data operation. Transfer can be resumed if apiKey, clientId, convId, filename and size are the same. Server allows resume for some time only

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open fun emit(event: String, vararg args: Any): Emitter

Executes each of listeners with the given args.

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fun getContacts(): ArrayList<Contact>

Returns contact list for conversation

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fun getConversationCall(stream: Stream?): ConversationCall?

Returns the conversation call handle for a given stream.

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fun getName(): String

Returns this conversation's room name

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open fun hasListeners(event: String): Boolean

Check if this emitter has listeners for the specified event.

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fun join(): Promise

Connects to a conversation if not already joined Once in the conversation, the user will be able to see other contacts inside it, send and receive messages, publish streams and subscribe to conversation's streams

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fun joinGroupChat(): Promise

Joins group chat.

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fun leave()

Leaves conversation The user will automatically stop publishing its streams to the conversation and stop subscribing to streams from the conversation. The user will no longer receive events from the conversation The user will no longer see who's within the conversation

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fun leaveGroupChat(): Promise

Leaves group chat.

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open fun listeners(event: String): MutableList<Emitter.Listener>

Returns a list of listeners for the specified event.

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open fun off(): Emitter

Removes all registered listeners.

open fun off(event: String): Emitter

Removes all listeners of the specified event.

open fun off(event: String, fn: Emitter.Listener): Emitter

Removes the listener.

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open fun on(event: String, fn: Emitter.Listener): Emitter

Listens on the event.

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open fun once(event: String, fn: Emitter.Listener): Emitter

Adds a one time listener for the event.

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fun publish(stream: Stream?)

Publish stream to conversation The stream will be able to be subscribed by other contacts within the conversation

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fun pushData(data: Session.PushDataBufferDescriptor): Promise

Pushes data to this conversation

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fun replacePublishedStream(newStream: Stream?, oldStream: Stream?)

Replaces the currently published stream by a given one.

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fun sendMessage(message: String): Promise

Sends string message to contacts in conversation

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fun subscribeToStream(streamId: String): Promise

Subscribes to a stream. The subscription will automatically stop if the contact publishing the stream unpublishes it. The Conversation#streamAdded event will be fired when the stream becomes available The Conversation#streamRemoved event will be fired when the stream is no longer available The Conversation#hangup event will be fired the subscription is terminated.

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fun unpublish(stream: Stream?)

Unpublishes currently published stream to conversation If other users within the conversation subscribed to this stream, it will be stopped on their side